Alex Allen
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Outbreak's Level Design
When designing the level for Outbreak, I focused on creating an easily navigated level and overall polished experience. I achieved this through the use of immersive lighting, various level design techniques and numerous path/objective marking blueprints.
Project Management
Outbreak begins by showing the player a short cutscene, at the beginning of this cutscene the camera slowly pans throughout a room and the player sees their character enclosed in a small subway's holding cell, soon after this a subtitle plays indicating the objective to the player and the camera finishes panning and locks into viewing a news report playing on the television.

After the cutscene, the player spawns facing the partially open cell door. Interacting with the door fully opens it, allowing exploration of the room to find a key needed to exit the holding area and proceed to the nearest platform.
In order to guide the player through the upcoming platform/puzzle I implemented examples of signposting (shown here ), path marking blueprints (shown here ) & Breadcrumbs (shown here )to direct the player and to inform them of their objective.

Throughout outbreak I frequently used "affordance" (shown here ) to mark all interactable doors with a metallic scratch texture. I did this in order to teach the player about their environment and how to effectively navigate their surroundings.

After completing the level's puzzle, the player descends a staircase and encounters "Breadcrumbs" (shown here ) in the form of small light assets on an opposing platform. Approaching these lights triggers a subtitle prompting them to advance to a "different stop". Dropping down the platform's other side, more "Breadcrumbs" (shown here ) guide the player to an illuminated doorway. When walking into the illuminated room the player opens a second door which in turn triggers a second cutscene.

During the second cutscene, a train speeds toward the player, triggering a new "Subtitle" indicating their objective. Once the cutscene ends, control and POV are restored, revealing a "Path Marking Blueprint" (shown here ) in view, prompting the player to vault. Vaulting in time avoids the train and allows progress along the walkway to the next platform and objective.
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