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Bulb Pickup Mechanic​


Project Management

This mechanic was a pickup ability that featured a Spotlight that follows the player's camera inputs and a point light that lights up the player's immediate area.

I also created "Bulb Related Platforms" that tied into this mechanic. These platforms appear in a shadow form (low opacity material) with no collision. However upon picking up the bulb the "Bulb Related Platforms"  nearest to the player begin to appear with their normal material and a full collision.

Performance Rating Widget


This mechanic was a "Performance Rating Widget". The purpose of this mechanic was to give the player a breakdown of their score pickups and time spent in the level and then compile those two values to provide them with a medal ranking either bronze, silver or gold.

I set this blueprint up using "instance editable" exposed variables in order to make it easily re-usable game wide for my teammates. Values such as "Max Possible Score", "Quickest Possible Run Time" and "Average Run Time" on this blueprint were set differently across different levels in order to accommodate for differences in levels such as shorter levels or levels with less score pickups.

Energy Barrier Door


This mechanic was a simple "Flip-Flop" styled door/blueprint, the blueprint is operated simply with the use of an in game button that will toggle one of two doors to open while the other door closes, this blueprint could be interacted with as many times as the player needed.

The blueprint was designed to be implemented into puzzle areas that featured reasons for the players to explore the environment in order to add an extra level to the puzzle. In this example I created, the player would need to determine how to reach the top (using the bounce pad) and then would have to open this door and take the key located inside in order to progress.

Checkpoint System


This mechanic is a very simple checkpoint system that allows the team to implement the "Checkpoint Pad BPs" around the map, the checkpoints recognise when the player passes through them and will play a sound and temporarily displays a widget stating "Checkpoint Reached", I created this system to feature 3 checkpoints per level to demonstrate player progression and provide a better user experience.

If the player dies to falling off a platform, being hit by a "Ranged Projectile" or being struck by a "Missile", they will spawn on their previously completed "Checkpoint Pad BPs".

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